Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Phew, almost 2 months since the last post. I wonder how I'll be able to make blogging a more regular part of my daily activities. Especially since I recently started my new responsibilities as the VP of Finance for an Insurance Agency with office across Maine and NH. I'm 3/5ths VP for this company and 3/5ths President of a Business Brokerage Company, and 1/5th board member for Scarborough Community Chamber and the Association for Consulting Expertise (ACE -

So wait you say I'm not a mathematician (or maybe you are), but that doesn't add up. You're right. And that's why my son asked me the other day "Dad, how come you never sit in the living room any more without your laptop". Thus the math resulting in 7/5ths.

So without a doubt, this new VP role is a blessing - one of epic proportions since business brokerage has been tough with the current economy and even more so because since my wife lost her job last week. Augh. And did I mention to you that it hasn't stopped raining since before I can even remember? Oh, no - of course I didn't tell you that yet, I haven't blogged in nearly 2 months, so you missed all the rain (but my lawn, which is up to my knees, has not missed the rain but has apparently enjoyed it)

Now of course that brings us back around to the time spread - do I have time to add another 5th for blogging? (that would make 8/5ths now in case you're the non-mathematician in the crowd) The Social Media experts say I have to, so here's to hoping for more frequent updates - and accordingly even more time with my laptop in its new found place when I'm in the living room. Don't worry Noah, we'll settle into the new routine and find some extra fifths of time.